Jean Baril & Elizabeth Gaignon
There currently exists two documents that record the marriage between Jean Baril and Elizabeth Gaignon. It was standard practice at the time to have 3 marriage contracts recorded. This was not always done. There were sometimes two or one or none depending one the circumstances.
Below are attempts at the transcription of those two docuemnts. Below is the cropped portion of the first - Original #1 -
This is an attempt at transcribing the above document:
1 - Le vingt-cinqem May esté [assumed MDC] Lxxxiv (1684) apres la publication
1 - The twenty-fifth of May in 1684 after the publication
2 - des bans du mariage fue hier entre Jean Baril agé de
2 - of the bans of marriage held yesterday between Jean Baril age of
3 - trente cinq ans veufe de funtete Marie Guillet
3 - thrity five and widow of the late Marie Guillet
4 - habitant de Batiscan de une part et Elizabeth Gaignon
4 - inhabitant of Batiscan of one part and Elizabeth Gaignon
5 - veufe de défunt Louis Moreau agée de vingt trois
5 - widow of the deceased Louis Moreau age of twenty three
6 - ans de cette paroisse dautre part, ne fuissant diton-
6 - years of this parish other part, not having said
7 - eusx aucun esre presesent aux bans dues facture mariage
7 - they any are present of the bans of invoice marriage
8 - publier aux grande messes dans de cette paroisse quels
8 - publish at the high mass in this parish which is
9 - celle de Batiscan comme il nous est apparu parle
9 - the one of Batiscan like he appeared speaking
10 - certifiat de Mme ders Claude euré duis lieu dage du
10 - certificate of Mrs ders Claude euré was instead of the age of
11 - quinze Mars este quartrevingt quatre se prêtre soussigné
11 - fifteen March in eighty four this priest signs
12 - insi de la este famille as Marie Leboits Jean Baril
12 - and of the family has Marie Leboits Jean Baril
13 - Elizabeth Gaignon selon la ferme presente par le dase
13 - Elizabeth Gaignon with the full conviction presents by the dase
14 - en présence de Robert Gaignon pere de Cars femme
14 - in the presence of Robert Gaignon father of her with
15 - Elizabeth de Louis deviont Delamorey de Paul
15 - Elizabeth of Louis Delamory of Paul
16 - Vason procureux fiscal de la conte I.Laurent et de
16- Vason tax prosecutor of the count I. Laurent and of
17 - Nicolas Rivard aussis laourant parossien a Batiscan
17- Nicolas Rivard also being parishioner at Batiscan
18 - les autre ont signé aux May drese on autant requid
18- the others have signed in May ........ required
19 - Jean Baril & elisabet gaganion
19- Jean Baril & elisabet gaganion
20 - robert gangnon jvason [signature] De La Noraybr
20- robert gangnon jvason [signature] De La Noraybr
21 - N.rinlaxde J.Lamy [signature]
21- N.rinlaxde J.Lamy [signature]
Below is the cropped portion of the second - Original #2 -
This is an attempt at transcribing the above document:
1 - Le vingt-cinq du May ests LXXXIV (1684) apres la publication
1 - The 25th of May in 1684 after the publication of
2 - des bans du mariage fue hier d'entre Jean Baril agé de
2 - the marriage banns yesterday between Jean Baril aged
3 - trente cinq ans (something about previous wife, maybe veufe de inssene) de Marie Guillet
3 - thirty five years husband of the decessed Marie Guillet
4 - habitant de Batiscan autre part est Elizabeth Gaignon
4 - inhabitant of Batiscan and other part is Elizabeth Gaignon
5 - agée de vingt trois ans seule fille de Louis Moreau de cette
5 - aged twenty three only daughter of Louis Moreau of this
6 - paroisse d'autre part on trouvant dremesrt aucun egupesese /empêchement-
6 - Parish of the other part we find something any something
7 - ment ansi bans publier dans aucunc paroisse apres
7 - thus banns published in no other parish after
8 - celle de Batiscan comme et veuve on appare par le
8 - that of Batiscan as a widow one appears by the
9 - assistant de Mme dev A Claude pretre cure dres leha
9 - assistant to Mrs dev A Claude priest sure la
10- dates du quinze du même mois de ce prêtre sousigné
10- dates of the fifteenth of the same month of this undersigned priest
11- cure Jolas famille Lisaymsores so for la ferme
12- presente parlesege an presence de Robert Gaignon
13- pere de las Elizabeth de Louis Desseraux sieur de la
14- maraine, Paul Vachon proeureux fiscal de la conte
15- de S. Laurent x de neuolaine vivant aussi Sabrbent de
16- Batiscan le quiteront sous signé qui a marser. Nous
17- requit Lelons lordmagnee, S
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