• "The story begins in about 1646 with Jean Baril..."
  • "...and continues today with YOU."

The Emails That Started the Ball Rolling

On July 6th, 1996 an event took place that will forever change how the Baril family is seen on planet earth. We have begun the process of piecing together groups of information about the lineage of the family that was until today scattered from Lansing, Michigan, USA to Baffin Island near Greenland, to Victoria, BC, Canada. Note: We thought we were going to change the world at that point. The journey has been fun.

It all started with the following e-mail letter received by Suzanne Baril of Victoria BC on Friday the 5th of July 1996 at 22:46:03:

A number of subsequent e-mail messages back and forth resulted in Suzanne receiving the following letter the next day:

Suzanne enthusiastically responded to both letters with attached copies of her current gedcom file:

The following is Pierre's reaction:

Clovis Burial Record

Note: This section below was on the original web site created in the beginning.

On Sunday July 7th, 1996, Pierre, Ron and Suzanne are[were] at work updating their files, creating web pages, cross referencing data and all in all having fun. The following pages will include the compilation of all that data. It will be updated as new information becomes available.

If you have any information about the Baril family that you wish to share, please forward it to
Ronald J. Baril Sr. - rbarilsr@msn.com or
Pierre Baril - pbaril@baril.org or
Suzanne Baril - sbaril@baril.org

Famille Baril Family

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Copyright © 1996-2015 Suzanne J. Baril, Pierre Baril, Ronald J. Baril Sr.

Suzanne and Peter

Peter Baril (1945), creator of the original website baril.org with assistance from Suzanne Baril (1954), are distant cousins who met online in 1996. They share a common bond through their love of Genealogy and the history of the Baril Family. There were many other people who assisted each of us in our work, they will be mentioned in the section related to the history of this project.

This photo was taken near Ottawa, Ontario, Canada in the summer of 2018.